Worship Ministries

There are a lot of moving parts to our Sunday Services. From the people who read the scriptures and assist at the altar, to the people who setup for Sunday Services and provide the beautiful music, it takes many people to make our services a beautiful and meaningful as it is.

Below you will find details about the ministries that make Sunday happen, as well as ways to get involved with those ministries.

Altar Guild

A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish.

Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers.

If you would like to volunteer with the Altar Guild, please contact Joanne Hutchison, Altar Guild President.

Lectors & INtercessors

Lectors and intercessors are lay persons trained in reading scripture and prayer. They are appointed by the clergy person in charge of the congregation to read lessons (lectors) or lead the prayers of the people (intercessors). The term "lector" is from the Latin, "to read." There is no license required for this lay ministry. A lector may also be known as a lay reader.

To volunteer to become a Lector or Intercessor, please contact Melissa Semmes-Thorne, LEM/Lector Trainer, or our Rector.

The monthly Lectors' Meeting, where we practice and discuss the upcoming readings, occurs the last Tuesday of the month, at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall or Sanctuary.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) & Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are lay people licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of Communion. They may also be licensed to go from Sunday Services or other principal services to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the service because of illness or infirmity.

To volunteer to become a Lay Eucharistic Minister, please contact Melissa Semmes-Thorne, LEM/Lector Trainer, and our Rector, who oversees licensure. 


In contemporary Anglicanism, "acolyte" is a general term which covers not only altar servers, torchbearers, and lighters of candles but also crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers.

Here is a brief description of each:

  •  Altar servers

    • An acolyte who assists the clergy in processing the Gospel and in setting the altar for the Lord's Supper. 

  • Torchbearers

    • Acolytes who carry the "torches" (candles) for the procession, Gospel reading, and recessional.

  • Lighters of Candles

    • An acolyte responsible for lighting and extinguishing the altar candles, torches, and other candles as necessary (like the Paschal/Christ candle).

  • Crucifers

    • An acolyte who leads all processions with the cross.

  • Thurifers (Only on special occasions)

    • An acolyte responsible for "charging" (filling) the thurible (incense holder) and censing (swinging the incense) among the congregation and assisting the priest in the censing of the altar.

  • Banner-bearers (Rare occasions)

    • At important events, or large gatherings, an acolyte would be responsible for carrying the church's banner in the procession and recession.

All children, 3rd grade and up, may be trained as acolytes. For more information about acolyte training, please contact the Rector.


Ushers are the smiling faces that greet you every Sunday morning as we gather for worship. To usher is to be a leader, a guide, a helper and a doorkeeper. We do more than pass out bulletins: we help our priest with the orderly running of the service, guide parishioners to the altar rail for Communion, count how many parishioners attend each service, collect the offering and help anyone who needs assistance. We arrive early to open the church, and stay after each service to tidy-up. We welcome entire families to volunteer to usher; it’s a wonderful way to introduce children to the service of hospitality and to teach them to look out and be concerned for others.

For more information about becoming an usher, please contact our Rector.


Musicians provide beautiful music, of all styles, for our Sunday Services and other important services throughout the year. 

For more information about our Music Program, click here.

All descriptions are adapted from The Episcopal Church's Glossary.